Things I Especially Love That Will Be Even More Fun In MY NEW HOUSE!!!

Let me just put a P.S. up front for the family before I get started….

Ok, any family members who are reading this, please spread the news to our extended family that we bought a house because when the computer died, all my email addys did too and they unfortunately could not be resurrected.

And now we return to the goodness and light that is my blog!

So, we’re out of money until payday (Friday) and therefore there will be no grocery shopping today.  I would be upset about this except…. I am home alllllll morning, alllllll by myself, and I can rock out to Ok Go and David Cook at a much louder volume than I could if the munchkins were home.  Plus, it’s late enough in the morning that the neighbors are gone to school and/or work so I’m not bothering anyone!  This delicious factoid caused the little hamster to start running his wheel to crank my remaining brain cell and I thought to myself, “Hey!  That would make a good list!”

So here it is…. Things I especially love that will be even more fun in my new house:

  • Rocking along to my Frickin’ Awesome playlist as I keep house.
  • Prancing around in my bunderwear as I belt out songs from my Fantastic Classic Show Tunes playlist.
  • Sashaying & booty shakin’ to my All Things Christmas (The Rockin’ Version) playlist.
  • Gardening – Because it won’t be temporary and nobody will leave nasty notes on my door telling me I’m in violation of my lease even though I’m not, and also nobody will be able to steal my tomatoes.
  • Decorating for all the holidays – Because now I have somewhere to store my collections!
  • Swimming – Because now I don’t have to protect the public from my blinding whiteness.
  • Quilting – Because now I don’t have to complete it in one sitting, I have my own room to leave it up if I want/need to.
  • Building up a food storage – Because now I have places to store it!
  • Having company – Because now I can send the kids outside to play without a grownup!
  • Having visitors – Because now they don’t have to stay in a hotel!
  • Giving service to the school – Since it’s more convenient because I don’t have to drive across town to do it.
  • Playing the piano – Because now we can have a real one!

Of course this is just a small sampling of things I especially love to do.  It would’ve been longer, but it’s hard to rock and blog at the same time…


It All Started Out So Innocently…

I heard a song on the radio on my way home from my job as a Mommy’s Limo Service driver.  I was thinking of changing it until I realized I recognized the tune!  And I liked it!!

“Here It Goes Again” by Ok Go.  I classify it as British pop/not quite boy band stuff.  You’ve probably heard it.  I told Honey to not let me forget it because I was going to buy it look it up on iTunes when we got home.  Except of course we forgot.  And then today was a new day, but like the good earworm that it was, I had enough of the words to figure out the title.  Of course, I bought it listened to the 30-second clips over and over again, ecstatic with joy at knowing I can pretty much find any song I like by figuring out the title from the lines most repeated in the chorus.

As with most songs, there were several versions of it.  You know it’s all the same song, but for some reason one version is 2:42 and the other is 2:59.  So then you start looking at album titles trying to figure out which one is more special.

One of them was on a CD called “Now That’s What I Call Music! 27”.  Interesting enough… except now I have to go back starting with #1 to find out what all these songs are!  Maybe there are more out there that I need to buy listen to so I can add them to my collection now in the future!!

Except iTunes only starts at Volume 18.

Ok.  No problem.  I click through the clips.  What’s this?  Jesse’s Girl?  I thought that was Rick Springfield from 400 years ago but it says here “Frickin’A”?  Well, any band with the name Frickin’A is screaming out “Discover me, Sally!  I could be as aweswome as Barenaked Ladies!!!”

Well, not quite.  But they do sing a song called “Merry, Merry, Merry Frickin’ Christmas” which has something to do with the 2005 World Series.

And If you give a Sally a Christmas tune….

Yeah.  There was some collection listed for iPhones about Christmas.  I had to look, it’s part of my other religion.  You wouldn’t want me to jeopardize my soul, would you???  Plus, it’s practically Halloween.  Target’s had Christmas decor sneaking into the back shelves since Labor Day!

I need to go re-organize my Christmakkuh music collection.  Adam Sandler, here I come!

Snarker’s Block

I can’t think of anything funny to say.  I’m hoping something comes out during my word vomit here, because I’m starting to worry about myself!

Things are moving right along with the house.  Our inspections are getting done, still waiting to hear if they’re going to clean the pool they nastied up with the grass clippings, and picking paint has been a disaster.  I find all these colors I LOVE, and I find coordinating colors (I think!) that I want to use, but what do you use it on?  And how do I know if I’m picking the right color?  Do I want a stone more than I want a yellow-ish hue?  I’m going for the old adobe look, except for the fact that the walls are sheetrock and not plaster, and I can’t decide which color is not too light so that you can’t tell what I’m going for, and not too dark so you feel like the place is closing in on you.  I need an interior design goddess to visit me, and fast!

And then there’s the matter of the appliances.  I’ve picked my fridge, for reals this time, but the washer & dryer are making me crazy!  I know I want front loaders.  I know I don’t want them to cost more than $1500 including tax for the pair.  And they can’t be ugly, and the washer has to be at least 4 cu. ft. and dryer 7 cu. ft.  I narrowed down the ones I like to a GE set, a Bosch Nexxt set, and a Whirlpool Duet set.  It’s the fitting in my price range I’m running into trouble with.  And I don’t know what it is, but last time I tried this I could find all kinds of discounts everywhere and now I can’t find any!

And I hate picking out the paint.  It’s so permanent.  What if I start painting and go “OH CRAP!!  It’s too ___!!!” and then I’m stuck until we can afford to repaint!  I just want to pick all the colors I love and have the paint fairy pick out what the perfect combination of it all is.  Is that too much to ask?  No.  I didn’t think so, either.

Back to the paint, how do you know if you have the right color?  And what is better, soft gloss or semi-gloss?  Believe it or not, there is a difference.  I want whatever I can scrub without redistributing color and dying my Magic Eraser the same color as the walls.  And whoever said that you can scrub Flat paint is a big, fat liar.

(Have you ever seen that movie, btw?  “Big Fat Liar” ?  It’s what made me fall in love with Paul Giamatti.)

I wanted to let B & S pick out coordinating colors for their room since they will be sharing (yes, you heard right, the house is 4 bedrooms and my kids still have to share a room.  DON’T ASK), but that is proving difficult since they don’t have matching bedding.  I feel bad because I told them they could help pick, but now I’ve decided that I’m just going to pick one color that goes with both their bed covers.

Before I close today, I’d like to know if anyone has any advice on painting.  I know I haven’t really talked about it much, but I have some concerns and if you have any ideas on how to help me pick out color without needing to refill my Valium prescription, I’d appreciate you sharing.  Also, Come to our Painting Party!!  It’s Saturday, November 22nd at my new house, from 9 a.m. until whenever you have to leave.  We’ll have snacks and pizza for lunch.  I’d like to promise cold drinks, but that will all depend on the date we actually close and if I can get the fridge in before then.  But we’ll need to paint behind the fridge, so maybe I’ll just have a cooler of ice.  Whatever.  We will take care of you.  Just come and paint and make me less neurotic already, ok???

Gluteus Sympatheticus

Do you have on a Depends undergarment?  Perhaps a Poise Pad?

I’m only asking because I’m about to tell you that after my therapy group this morning, I drove through the “Drive-Thru Flu Clinic” in the Kaiser Permanente Tracy Medical Offices parking lot.  Yeah, you just drive up, fill out the paper and they stab you in your arm and you’re on your merry way in 10 minutes or less!

Except now my butt is hurting right where the shot would’ve been if they had stuck me there instead.  I’m thinking it’s having sympathy pains much like some (rare) men do when their wives go into labor.

Now aren’t you glad I asked?  Hmm?  (Ok, really the leakage protection is for a certain person who shall remain nameless, Shana the Beautiful, but you never know… there might be others who are driven to incontinence by my fabulousness!)